Resource Conservation District of Greater San Diego County
Lakeside, CA
Forest Health and Fire Prevention: Regional Forest and Fire Capacity Program (RFFC) Outreach and Engagement
Desired Skills/Traits:
We desire one Fellow this period, who should have a background in Environmental Science- forestry, ecology, sustainability, etc.
Desired primary skills:
research, data collection and data management
strong communication and ability to establish and maintain working relationships
GIS mapping
analyze and track progress to meet deadline
Secondary Skills:
develop educational and outreach material
plan and prepare for group meetings
familiarity with updating website content
Openings: 0 of 1​
Focus Area: Forestry/Fire
Ecological Forestry, Education & Outreach, Fire Preparedness & Management, Climate Mitigation & Adaptation
project breakdown
Education & Outreach
Goals & Needs
The RCD of Greater San Diego County has a robust Fire Prevention and Forestry Team that seeks to add one Fellow to assist in our Regional Forest and Fire Capacity (RFFC) program.
The RFFC program is overseen by the CA Department of Conservation , and aims to increase regional capacity to prioritize, develop, and implement projects to improve forest health and fire resilience and increase carbon sequestration in forests throughout California. We have worked on this program since 2019, and are currently working on amending our contract to extend the program through 2029.
​Our program encompasses a wide range of projects that ranges from tribal fire stewardship programs- to fire preparedness education, to reforestation.
Fellows will gain experience at the San Diego regional level with many of our local project partners such as: local Tribes, USFS, BLM, CAL FIRE, State Parks, SDSU, SD Canyon Lands, and community Fire Safe Councils. Tasks may include: tracking demonstration project progress, visiting demonstration project sites, planning and conducting meetings, collecting and organizing data, developing outreach materials and conducting outreach, promoting the project, updating our website, assisting with compilation of a regional priority plan and project list, and assisting partners with project development. Fellows also have the opportunity to work with the other 13 regional entities state-wide that work on the program, and our state-level aligned programs such as CA Wildfire and Forest Resilience Task Force.
Capacity Building Projects
Our RFFC program promotes healthy forest practices through demonstration projects, developing a coordinated effort to reduce the Gold Spotted Oak Borer threat, providing fire management resources to local communities and partners, and developing a Community Wildfire Protection (CWPP) training course, and stewardship of the ​San Diego County Regional Priority Plan: As part of our Regional Forest and Fire Capacity (RFFC) Program grant, we have developed a first draft of the Regional Priority Plan (RPP) for San Diego County. This plan will be a living document.
The role of the Fellows in this project will be to assist with outreach and stakeholder meetings, data collection and organization for demonstration projects, assist with management and organization of the of the RPP story map and project lists in collaboration with partners, attending outreach events, traveling throughout the County to meet with partners at treatment sites, develop outreach materials, organize progress report data. Potentially update our website with current program information, map projects, and provide TA and support to partners for project development.
Organizational & Community Highlights
The RCD of Greater San Diego County office is located in San Diego County- specifically a suburb of City of San Diego- Lakeside, CA. Our service area (San Diego County) is extremely diverse in culture, resources, and geography.
Working with our organization, you will have the opportunity to work with numerous partner organizations and communities throughout the County. Work will primarily take place at the main office in Lakeside, however, fieldwork, events, and site visits will be necessary, and working from home part-time is amenable.
The RCD's main office encompasses 12 team members who work on an array of program areas such as: pollinator habitat, school gardens, watershed education, regenerative farming, soil health, forest health, and fire prevention. We also manage three other sites: a regenerative educational farm, and two community gardens. Fellows will interact with each of these team members, and also gain familiarity with special districts, grants, budgets, and administrative functions, as desired.