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covid-19 faq 

GrizzlyCorps, along with AmeriCorps and CaliforniaVolunteers (CV), is doing our best to stay up to date as the Coronavirus Disease - COVID-19 - pandemic unfolds. AmeriCorps programs across the nation are committed to finding ways to continue serving their communities. 


With all of the changes, we want to answer any questions you may have about the potential impact of this virus on our programming for the current and upcoming service year. View the official AmeriCorps COVID-19 FAQ here



Is GrizzlyCorps going to adjust the timeline for the upcoming program year?

No; we are still moving forward with our normal timeline and application process for a September 8th, 2021 start date.



What is GrizzlyCorps currently doing to support the 2020-2021 Fellows?

Like many other programs, GrizzlyCorps is continuing to create as much of a support network as possible given stay at home orders and geographical restrictions. Many of our Fellows this year are completing their service remotely and some may continue to do so for the remainder of the year. Our staff and partners work closely to ensure that Fellows can still have meaningful and impactful work focused on their primary service projects. Additionally we regularly check-in with our fellows and provide opportunities for them to connect virtually as a cohort. 



Does GrizzlyCorps foresee any major change to the program due to COVID-19?

With COVID cases increasing in California, and some counties slowing or reversing opening plans, and the likelihood of remote work at the start of the year, GrizzlyCorps has planned operational changes to the program. This includes virtual meetings, hosting Orientation online, and generally creating more communication channels from both the program and partner sides to support Fellows, among other adjustments.



Will Fellows be able to serve remotely? Will any placements be fully remote?

We do not know whether offices will reopen by September 2021 or at any point in the upcoming service year. Currently many of our members complete service that would normally be done in an office at home but still meet in person for fieldwork. There is still a great possibility that some or much of the GrizzlyCorps fellowship could take place remotely depending on the status of the county a Fellow is placed with. Remote service requires Fellows to serve from home, using their own equipment for extended periods of time. At this time, we are assessing our partners’ long-term plans and determining our policies based on AmeriCorps requirements.


Will orientation still take place? 

Yes; GrizzlyCorps will still host an orientation. This year our orientation was virtual, and many of our partners conducted remote site orientations for their Fellows as well. At this point in time we do not know if our 2021-2022 cohort will have an in person or remote orientation.





For information regarding UC Berkeley and COVID-19 please visit the main UC Berkeley Coronavirus (COVID-19) page.


 For further clarification, please visit the CDC’s official national guidelines & policies, detailed here.

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