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gold ridge resource
conservation district



Sebastapol, CA


Healthy Soils & Carbon Farm Plan Assistant


Desired Skills/Traits:

  • Degree in natural resource management, forestry, & public engagement

  • Ability to use GIS

  • Experience or interest in engaging communities with ag management practices, climate, fire, and outreach

  • Enjoys working with diverse people and orgs

  • Social media/website maintenance 

  • Organized, prompt, respectful, responsive

  • Motivated/self-directed

  • Spanish Fluency a plus


Openings: 0 of 1 â€‹

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​*This position has been filled*

Focus Area: Agriculture/Fire

Climate Mitigation & Adaptation, Ecological Forestry, Regenerative Agriculture, Watershed Management, Education & Outreach, Food Systems

project breakdown







Education & Outreach


Goals & Needs


The Climate Resilience Assistant will serve communities and individuals in the Gold Ridge Resource Conservation District (RCD) district to adapt to and steward resources in the face of increased wildfire risk, water scarcity, floods, species decline and soil degradation. This position will help engage and organize farmers and ranchers to be more resilient to adverse effects exacerbated through our changing climate. This project will build upon and execute an outreach and coordination plan around for the numerous natural resource improvement programs our district provides. This position will perform one on one communication with the community, as well as the staff and board of Gold Ridge RCD. Fellow’s will work both at their desk and in the field by assisting Gold Ridge RCD in promoting regenerative agri-food systems and fire and forest resilience through education, engagement and outreach tasks.



Capacity Building Projects


Fellow will assist our Conservation Planner in outreach and completion of Carbon Farm Plans and other conservation planning activities on forested properties. The Fellow will assist with mapping and drafting plans in partnership with land managers and RCD staff. The Fellow will also help land managers learn and access funding opportunities to help implement practices identified in their plans. The Fellow will contribute to outreach and coordination of the RCDs LandSmart Grazing Program as well as a connection to local fire safe councils. The Fellow may also help with outreach and engagement for Monarch butterfly habitat creation on working lands. These services will greatly increase the RCDs ability to provide timely effective outreach. 


Organizational & Community Highlights



Gold Ridge RCD was established in the 1941 to promote soil conservation and has continued as a local leader in environmental conservation for climate adaptation, water quality improvement, wildlife habitat enhancement and agricultural sustainability. We work voluntarily with our community to empower good stewardship of natural resources.

The Gold Ridge RCD is located outside of the small towns of Sebastopol and Graton. We have 10 experienced, kind, and thoughtful staff. Our office is in an old farmhouse situated on an orchard and vineyard property down a gravel road. There is not regular public transportation to our office, but many staff enjoy biking to work. A Fellow placed with us will have a great opportunity to network with not only dozens of different community organizations but many professional individuals and community members as well. Fellow will have access to our knowledgeable staff and work on varying projects throughout their service. Sonoma County is beautiful with a great need to improve engagement with underserved populations and innovative land managers.

explore region

Farm to Pantry

Grow-a-row & Glean lead, watershed management on private lands

pepperwood Preserve

Restoring Native Grasslands (and forests) to Promote Soil Health and Carbon Sequestration

Developing a Field Training and Project management System 

forestry & fire recruitment program

1995 University Ave

Suite 460

Berkeley, CA 94704      

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